Friday, May 2, 2014

Download Free MbaSense Responsive Adsense Friendly Blogger Template

MbaSense Responsive Adsense Friendly Blogger Templates

MbaSense blogger template is full responsive and adsense friendly blogger templates. With Mbasense you can place ads in strategic place, as you see in the demo blog, on the header beside the blog title and descriptions you can put 728 x 90 pixel ads and in the right sidebar you can place 250 pixel ads unit or 2 ads with size 125 pixel wide.

If you want, you can also place 120 x 600 pixel ads on the left sidebar. In the articles section we can still use 468 pixel ads size or wide rectangle ads.

The design is clean and minimalist like Benclunx responsive minimalist blogger template, very nice to attract your blog visitors. In Mbasense responsive adsense friendly blogger template 2014 the template designer has been including with related post, breadcrumb navigations and fancy drop down menu but the search functions is not yet, if you need this, you should add this by own via add widget functions.

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MbaSense Responsive Adsense Friendly Blogger Template
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October 27, 2014 at 10:04 PM delete

Terima kasih untuk Templatenya. Mau tanya Min, kenapa tombol sharenya yang kupasang di Blogku tidak muncul ya? Mohon bantuannya.
Ini alamat Blog saya
Sebelumnya, Terima kasih..
