Here you can found free responsive blogger template with main color schemes are white. We have a lot of free white responsive blogger templates because white are one of favorite color used by many blogger template designer.
One of the advantages of white is its ability to help reduce pain. This is because the white color gives the impression of freedom and openness. Shortage of white is that it can give a sense of headaches and eyestrain if the color is too dominating.
For health workers to give the impression of a sterile white. As a pure white color and does not use any mix gives meaning pure and clean. To design a minimalist use of white can be the right choice.
The white color indicates peace, apology, self achievement, spirituality, divinity, virginity or chastity, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light, innocence, security and unity. The white color is great for display or emphasize other colors and gives the impression of simplicity and cleanliness.
The white color is categorized as a neutral color. The white color on an object to give effect and tranquility and comfort. But white overload can cause feelings of cold, sterile, rigid and isolated.
In general, fans of the white color is the type of person who is sincere and love peace. In a problem they tend not favoring anyone. Generally they have properties that idealistic and moral. For her honesty is number one.
They always help any person who needs to be helped. They are also easy to make friends in anyone, but only a few friends who were able to become close friends to share.
It was a bit of color psychology that I can give that hopefully can help you decide which blogger template that you will use for your blog.
Happy blogging and you may also consider some other colors such as black or blue, for example, do not be afraid of color because of your blog content is the key.
White Responsive Blogger Templates