Smoother responsive blogger template design is a templates created by blogger items who also make easy news magazine responsive templates. This free responsive blogger templates comes in clean and white design using 2 column layout with right 300 pixel wide sidebar.
Pretty CSS shadow used on blog title and post title to make this blogger responsive templates look more great than any other responsive templates and for social sharing your blog reader can easily share your content to their social network like facebook, twitter, google plus and pinterest because on the left side there are a fixed button which will always follow wherever you scroll down or scroll up your blog.
If you use smoother blogger responsive templates don't be shy to ask your reader to share your content because they could easily found the button to share it. The version share here is Smoother template ver. 1.41.
Smoother Responsive Blogger Template Design
nice template.
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blog name is rexhacker
waahh.. bagus gan templatenyaa
Replykunjungi juga yaakk'
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